BWA members Dalia Foigt-Norvaišienė, Rima Ingstad, Vaiva Tylienė and BWA President Inga Nausėdienė participated in the meeting with BWA Estonia members – the President Anu Vilks and a member and former President Riina Piigli.
BWA Estonia is the organization which unites women in business and management for 24 years already. It is a member of BPW International (International Federation of Business and Professional Women), which was established 80 years ago and operates in 95 countries through 5 continents.
The Estonian guests presented the activity of their organization with around 100 members. In Estonia BWA is best known for the Women of the Year event and “Equal pay” initiative which aims to minimize the differences in pay of men and women.

Partnership agreement between Business Women‘s Association and Enterprise Lithuania was signed in order to increase competitiveness of women‘s businesses on the local market as well as assist in setting up in international business environment. Additionally the agreement aims at initiating and supporting participation in the projects which would increase enterpreneurship in Lithuania.
The parties of the Agreement see potential for exchanging information on business relevant trainings and events, recommending each other potential partners for further cooperation.
Both institutions agree to consult each other, share best practice and knowledge on business development, mentorship and other relevant topics. Parties plan to seek for new ways to support and consult new and expanding businesses.